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Olive Oil in Culinary Innovation


When we talk about liquid gold, we are referring to a fundamental ingredient on our table. Olive oil in culinary innovation offers us versatility, flavor, and health benefits. Therefore, let’s present the different ways in which this product can be used in modern cuisine.

Healthy substitute for fats

Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) is the best option to replace products such as butter or sunflower oil. Its high nutritional value, rich in healthy fats that help reduce cholesterol, as well as its antioxidant properties, make it an ideal option for cooking and baking.

Flavor enhancer

There is a wide variety of foods that are seasoned with olive oil, enhancing the flavors of the ingredients with which it is combined.

Although olive oil is currently used in countless dishes in modern cuisine, it has always been added to salads, sauces, or vinaigrettes. It adds an exquisite and pleasant touch.

Low-temperature cooking

Thanks to olive oil in culinary innovation, we have been able to cook it slowly or at low temperatures. This allows us to make stews, sautés, or confits due to its gentle and uniform cooking.

For this technique, it is important to keep the oil with the other foods being cooked for a long period of time so that the aroma is absorbed and penetrated.

Emulsions and sauces

An emulsion is the result obtained by combining two liquids that generally do not mix easily, such as oil and water.

This method used in the gastronomy sector can vary depending on the type of oil you use, offering a different flavor or texture to recreate sauces and dressings such as mayonnaise, vinaigrette, or hollandaise sauce.

Olive oil can offer a characteristic flavor to your culinary innovation as long as you combine it with the appropriate amounts to obtain a creamy and uniform result.

Infusion oil

You can infuse extra virgin olive oil with a vast variety of ingredients such as different herbs, garlic, or chilies.

With this combination, you will get flavored oils that add unique flavors to your dishes. Today, this resource is a trend in avant-garde cuisine.

Focus on quality

Culinary innovation is based on using high-quality ingredients. Therefore, it is important to use good extra virgin olive oil that meets expectations.

This is a good option as it is cold-pressed or provides exceptional flavor.

Vacuum Cooking

Vacuum cooking, also known as sous-vide cooking, is a cooking method in which food is cooked vacuum-sealed at controlled temperatures for an extended period.

Using olive oil in vacuum cooking is a common option, as olive oil adds flavor and helps maintain the moisture of the food.

Vacuum cooking with olive oil is an excellent way to achieve tasty and tender dishes as the food retains its moisture and flavor. However, for this procedure, it is important to follow food safety guidelines.

The basis of this tactic is to cook at low temperatures and in vacuum-sealed bags to maintain the texture and flavors of the dishes being cooked.


In baking, olive oil is used to make all kinds of sweets and other baked goods.

In some of these cases, the ingredient commonly used is butter due to its low cost. But if you want to offer a healthier touch to your desserts, do not hesitate to replace it with oil.

Fusion dishes

In culinary innovation, chefs experiment with different techniques from other cultures. That is why they commonly use olive oil to create fusion dishes as it blends well with a wide range of ingredients.

Our Aceite Oro Al-Andalus is a Spanish oil with unique flavor and aroma. Born in the Serranía de Ronda, in Andalusia, it presents fruity notes and a perfect balance between bitterness and spiciness, guaranteeing you a unique experience.

For more information, call +34 690 613 790 or visit our website. You can also access our social networks to stay updated. We are on Instagram and Facebook. Until next time!

October 2024

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